Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Dating History

my dating history
         My fisrt girlfreind I had was in 10th grade. I can tell you from expirience- the girls did not like me to much. For one I had acne and scars was very tall and verry skinny and always had thin long hair (no not balding but "thin"). Any way I always have to go on tangence! ;) The girlfreind in 10th grade, well she was not REALLY  a girlfreind. I asked her to go to prom she was in the japanese club with me. she said "yes" and we went but then when we got there I noticed she was always starring at her old boyfreind and then she started crying and woudent even talk to me at all. He was there with another girl his new girlfrend. I tryed to consul her but she was irratic. I thought then "hey she wanted to go but just wanted me to pay the $60 so she could get her boyfreind back" they did of coarse get back together that night and the other girl (not my date) wouldent talk to me of coarse. they danced to "you look wonderful tonight" and cryed and then grinded to a horrible rap song! the girl cryed and said "well Im sorry, it was love, not you" she didnt even apologize for leaving me alone at all.
         Next  in 11th grade I got a girlfreind but it was sort of a agreemint that we would go out becase are freinds were all freinds together. we never really hung out at all and I tryed to kiss her a couple times but she always said she had the throw up taste in her mouth so she dident want too. I sent her flowers on are aniversary and she never said anything so I sent her a note which I saw her pass around to her freinds and I saw it it had all the spelling corrected and circled words I used to much and had a knife drawn on it. well we never broke up really so i guess joke's on her we are still boyfreind and girlfreind!! :)))
        Later that year I got a REAL girlfreind that I acually kissed but she was kind of trying to be diffrent and loved Hunter Thompson (I do to but this was really crazy!!!!)
she said her goal in life was to try every drug out there! I still really liked her till she wrote me a note on pot and it said that she was fingered on a rollercoaster one time and that she had sex before on a cruse ship I had to dump her. Later we where still freinds and she came over to do a class progect at my house and she stole $34 from my mom's purse which of coarse I got blamed for!
       Next  a long line of girls that I asked for there number's in college and they all said "oh sorry I have to wash my hair tongiht" well I heard that one in "Hairspray" so nice try lady's! I coud not give them any more of my time for a while obvously!
         In college a girl in the dorms when I was a junior was from my highschool but she was younger ( a freshman when I was a junior in high school.) She was kind of odd too and I had a "girlfreind" at the time that I met during x-mas back at my hometown (turns out she was cheating on me then but that's another story) the girl from my highschool then dorm would come in and say she loved me in highschol and I would say I had a girlfreind but she would lay with me on the bunkbed and say I had a six pack and rub my stomache . the she ripped all the pictures of my girlfreind to shreds in my photo album! she always was pale and tryed to get attention by talking about her mental problems but I didnt know she was so nuts. she one time came over and was DRUNK and said she needed to borrow my chessbord. So then she tryed to go "down there" iykwim (if you know what Imean) and then cryed when I said "no"and she said "well i was raped" and said she was going to cut her wrists!She said her uncle raped her. Well I didn't know anything about that! I finally got rid of her after a while.
       NEXT (o god only 10 more year's left!) after I dropped out of college and started working on cars I found all the girls in the wrong place. They just love a grease monkey! After some girl's who turned out to be"christan" so they would not be intimate or have sex to be frank they would act crazy. Now don't get me wrong, I am not Christian but I have nothing against them per say- I just am not religous at all. So just let me say that. So to not beat around the bush, I will say I wanted to have sex this time I was 26 with no good relatonships yet If i only "knew then!"
       I dated a girl who moved in with me pretty quick. Then her sister would come over all the time and they would watch t.v. well her sister would just fall asleep right there on the couch everynight with her dog. Then her sister would go out and leave the dog and I would have to deal with it. Then my girlfreind started getting fat and lost her job at Arby's and just stayed home all day on internet chatrooms. The dog was always crapping everywhere and barking it chewed up my new keybord and my shoes and I think was jelous because it chewed up all her underware! Later she bought a internet camera which I thought "why?" because she was getting real fat and I never thought I would come home one day and she left her AOL open (which I payed for of coarse). I saw 6 months of letters of internet affars with internet sex and the whole bit! Well at this time I was working to support both her AND her sister and the dog and payed all the internet and cable bills whicere one month $1000.00!  i found folder's of naked pictures and all! We had not even had sex in a year becase I would come home from work and she had turned around and gotten tired she said! So now I now why. so I printed out all 1000's of emails while she was at Chickfille and layed them out on the floor so she had to face them all. Well she was real imbarassed and cryed and after we broke up and I kicked her sister out. But for then she had nowere to go so she stayed there at my house. She never did meet up with her internet lover but she did get a boyfreind who I am 99.99999999999999999999% sure is gay.
    Next I got a girfreind who wanted a baby so bad that she poked wholes into condoms and I dident know untill my exgirlfreind told me so I kicked them BOTH out! One for using all the AOL and internet, the other for trying to make me have 18 year's of raising Arizona! I don't think so!

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