Saturday, July 20, 2013

I'm nauseated so I drank some mint "smooth move" tea with cinnamon, cumin, and cloves. Then I drank tons of water, sparkling water, water with cucumber and rosemary in it, and hard pear cider cuz it's kinda like soda? Then I'm like wait why am I nauseated? What did I already eat and drink today? 

Smoked oysters
Spinach almond milk smoothie
Cottage cheese
Champagne and cucumber basil lemonade mimosa
Old bread with avocado n butta on it
Seaweed salad
Iced coffee
Clam chowder
Cawn bread
A Xanax
1/2 of what I think is an anti-nausea pill
Champagne with sherbet in it
An egg cooked in miso 
Vanilla cream soda n Coconut water which my boyfriend bought for me when I asked him to get me something for my nausea.
This should help

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

AM Meeting at the Mental Hosp

Me- Who has a community concern they would like to share?

Guy- We should be able to smoke a pack all at once, that's how it's done.

Another Guy- 7:45! Yeahhhhhhh!

Adolf Eichmann- Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!!

Guy- Maybe it's a booger. Maybe it's a bus.

Another guy- They let them walk around?!!

Third guy- He spilled! He spilled!

Adolf- Heil Hitler!

Dredd Scott- They'll have to bring it back!

Me- Um, ok. Let's focus. Who has a go-around question for the group?

Another Guy- Ummmmm....what's a solid block?

Third Guy- Friends with Indiana, since I was in 4th grade...Candice Bergen...I can't release the title.

Guy- Old man with the beard! How big's your beard?!?

Dredd- He should be assassinated!

Adolf- Sorry about John Lennon, sorry about World War 2. 

Old Yeller- Barack Obama!

Another guy- United States and Canada.

Adolf- Auschwitz Jew!

Me- What's your favourite uhhhhh... 

Old Yeller- SNIPPETS!

Dredd- Bastard!

Adolf- I like booze, I like braunschweiger. I like wine. I like... 

Guy- Where's your coffee?

Another Guy- There was a dream I had. My dad came in...

Me- Thanks for comin! Meeting is adjourned!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Kathy lit a Vantage and ordered a brandy. She knew Tod would arrive soon and she hadn't yet thought of a suitable nickname to call him by. She sure as hell wasn't gonna call him Tod. Kathy lit a Vantage and ordered a brandy. Internet dating is hard, she thought. She shook her loosy-goosy hair and shuffled her navy Keds across the polished floors. Tod arrived just then and she knew it was Tod FOR SURE when she saw his Tod-like face with its Tod-like teeth in it. Kathy lit a Vantage and ordered a brandy. Tod was here to stay. In her heart. Forever. So were Vantages. 

David Crosby lost everything in the 80s...even his moustache.

Oh golly, I don't have anything to say. I'll tell you a story about my work today. So there's this stare-master there and she just sits and stares at me no matter what she or I are doing. If I'm reading the paper or biting my nails- whatever. She'll come sit 12 inches from my face and stare straight at it without getting bored for however long I can take it. She sometimes will have a marker in her hand or some food but she will still stare. She will miss her mouth with the sandwich before she flinches to stop staring at me. Yes, while she's eating. Yes, it's serial killer. She doesn't kill though (yet) she is just a known hair-puller. And not just puller, she will dig her fingers in and twist so you cant unscrew her claw and will like fling people around by their pony tails. Whenever I won't play dice with her because she has been particular serial killery that day, she'll just stare at me and say "your hair is so pretty" or "you're the only friend I ever had, Samantha." Or just laugh maniacally and whisper "you're gonna die at midnight." Recently I've been trying really hard not to care 'bout the stare because I think she'll lighten up on me, but that hasn't worked. Now when we're playing dice she'll like linger with her hand over them when its my turn and try to stroke my finger with her extra long bent claw nail. THE END