Friday, February 25, 2011


I went to Canada! It is a lot like the US as everyone can imagine, but there are a few interesting things that happen there that probably don't in the US:

1. People wear like 5 coats even inside a bar, which was quite warm. (to look more Canadian)

2. They've got one and two dollar coins called loonies and toonies and there's weird red maple leaves everywhere!

3. Even though my friend was kind enough to say I was his girlfriend AND I was dressed like baggy sweatsuit Cindy Lauper, a little tiny-fingers Arab still touched his lips to my friends ear to ask him if I was really his girlfriend or if he was pimpin me.

4. THIS happens at the beer store:


5. This happens to dogs there:

Also, my friend got mad at me because I was beating him at pool so he told the Arab he could have me for $100, to which the cocktail weenie hand man replied, "How bout 40?" Canadian money BETTER BE WORTH A LOT MORE!

But once I saw this scene I realised Canada is pretty much the same as America:

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