Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Things that could possibly have been my last thoughts in the past week (i think about this a lot):
Fine! My boyfriend doesnt wanna hang out with me! Good! I'm gonna listen to mazzy star and smoke one cigarette IN BED! Maybe paint my toenails cuz I don't need men! But where will I get a cigarette? i guess steal it from my room mate. Maybe eat some of his cottage cheese too. Mmmm cottage.... Mmmm cheeeese. Mmmmm
(pass out after being drunk and having taken tiger wood's ass muthafuckin AMBIEN FOR SOME REASON!!)
Black people have it so easy cuz they look skinnier cuz black is slimming. Maybe that's why black guys like THICK girls... Cuz that's uhhhhh more uhhhh truthful hmmmmm... Why do black guys sag their pants? They look like midgets from the back. Tall torso midgets..
(nearly crash my car into another car)
Oh fine! She thinks I don't have control of my staff! I'll be tough, she'll see! What if they see me TOUCH A SPIDER!
(huffin and puffin too hard, almost fell off my bike in traffic while listening to KENNY LOGGINS GOD IM FUCKT)
Deeee deee deeee I almost sliced my fanger off in ypsilanti, dooo dooo dooo, don't worry I got plenty, deeeder deeder dee passed out while huffin cat litter
Doooder doo shouldna lef it in the shitter, did that rhyme with ypsilanti? Naw it shoulda... (beeeeeep beeeeeeeeeerrr [doppler effect] nearly crashed into another car)

1 comment:

  1. Kenny Loggins has a FARM like 15 miles from where I live I am not kidding! I almost passed out in front of it riding my bike the other day.
