Saturday, July 20, 2013

I'm nauseated so I drank some mint "smooth move" tea with cinnamon, cumin, and cloves. Then I drank tons of water, sparkling water, water with cucumber and rosemary in it, and hard pear cider cuz it's kinda like soda? Then I'm like wait why am I nauseated? What did I already eat and drink today? 

Smoked oysters
Spinach almond milk smoothie
Cottage cheese
Champagne and cucumber basil lemonade mimosa
Old bread with avocado n butta on it
Seaweed salad
Iced coffee
Clam chowder
Cawn bread
A Xanax
1/2 of what I think is an anti-nausea pill
Champagne with sherbet in it
An egg cooked in miso 
Vanilla cream soda n Coconut water which my boyfriend bought for me when I asked him to get me something for my nausea.
This should help