Me- Who has a community concern they would like to share?
Guy- We should be able to smoke a pack all at once, that's how it's done.
Another Guy- 7:45! Yeahhhhhhh!
Adolf Eichmann- Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!!
Guy- Maybe it's a booger. Maybe it's a bus.
Another guy- They let them walk around?!!
Third guy- He spilled! He spilled!
Adolf- Heil Hitler!
Dredd Scott- They'll have to bring it back!
Me- Um, ok. Let's focus. Who has a go-around question for the group?
Another Guy- Ummmmm....what's a solid block?
Third Guy- Friends with Indiana, since I was in 4th grade...Candice Bergen...I can't release the title.
Guy- Old man with the beard! How big's your beard?!?
Dredd- He should be assassinated!
Adolf- Sorry about John Lennon, sorry about World War 2.
Old Yeller- Barack Obama!
Another guy- United States and Canada.
Adolf- Auschwitz Jew!
Me- What's your favourite uhhhhh...
Old Yeller- SNIPPETS!
Dredd- Bastard!
Adolf- I like booze, I like braunschweiger. I like wine. I like...
Guy- Where's your coffee?
Another Guy- There was a dream I had. My dad came in...
Me- Thanks for comin! Meeting is adjourned!