Friday, March 9, 2012


Yaknowwhatihate? When people think theyre GOING GREEN by not flushing their pee. Yeah you're going green alright; GOING GREEN COLORED PISS! Yes, if you actually DRINK A DROP OF WATER EVER it is ok to leave it there, otherwise be a man (not a hippie feminist) and flush it down the can!

But TAYYYY, I thought if it was yella you spoza let it mella!?!? Well ill tellya. If it's orange and smells like fishsticks, put it down the brisquet! 

Beee beeee deeee beeee deeeep beep... In related news: People in Michigan call Johnny on the Spots PORTAJOHNS! hahahh! 

The best PORT O' POTTY names are:

Willy Make it?
Doodie Calls
Uh Oh Gotta Go

What else, hmmmm.... That's all i know.

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